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Sliding Fee Scale

CrescentCare offers a sliding fee discount to patients whose incomes fall at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines.  Each year the federal government establishes income levels that qualify patients to be eligible to pay reduced costs for services. Sliding fee means that costs change according to the patient’s income, lack of income, or ability to pay. Patients that qualify are eligible for a sliding discount on fees for all services provided at CrescentCare.


Additional Assistance for HIV Positive Patients

CrescentCare offers additional assistance for HIV positive patients through the Ryan White Program.

If you are HIV+, please meet with a Case Manager to determine eligibility. Ryan White services apply to individuals at or below 500% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. The Ryan White program has a separate sliding scale discount.

All of CrescentCare’s sites serve all patients regardless of their ability to pay. Our staff can screen you and help you to enroll in benefits. Please speak with one of our staff for more detailed information.