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CrescentCare working to vaccinate against COVID-19
CrescentCare has been vaccinating people who are 65 and older against the coronavirus. Fox 8 visited to learn more about the vaccine drive on Jan. 16.
Read the full story here.
“Even our clinic is going to have vaccines also next week, so, there are going to be more opportunities and more slots. You didn’t miss out. The City and the state are working very aggressively to roll this vaccine out and they are adding sites by the week,” said CrescentCare Chief Medical Officer Nicholas Van Sickels, M.D.
CrescentCare also wants to reach out to neighborhoods around their Elysian Fields location near St. Roch and the 7th and 9th Wards to get as many people as possible vaccinated.
“Reaching out to communities who don’t have access to healthcare on a regular basis is definitely one of the biggest challenges of combating the Covid-19 pandemic. I think health departments and community health centers play a strong role in this because we tend to have staff in locations that are integrated within the community and we can talk to neighborhood associations, we can talk to community leaders,” Van Sickels said.
Published: Jan 15, 2021