Board of Trustees
Here’s some background on the Board and what’s involved.
CrescentCare is a non-profit, 501(c)3 community-based organization whose mission is to strengthen our entire community through whole-person healthcare and education.
NO/AIDS Task Force was founded in 1983 in response to the early devastating effects of the HIV epidemic in New Orleans. In response to the community need for health care in post-Hurricane Katrina New Orleans, we expanded our mission and added services to include dental services, pediatrics, and psychiatric service, to our growing list of existing primary medical, mental health, health education and prevention, case management, legal, housing, food and other supportive services. As we continue to evolve, our 275+ staff are committed to providing high quality, humble and affordable health care and supportive services to the vulnerable in our community.
Interested in becoming a member of the Board?
As part of our commitment to serving the community, CrescentCare encourages you to apply to join our Board of Trustees. We are seeking individuals from the community who have a commitment to the Greater New Orleans community and a passion for access to high-quality, whole-person healthcare. While not everyone will be selected to serve on the Board of Trustees, each applicant may be considered for other volunteer leadership roles, such as an advisory council role. Further information about board requirements, the selection process, and responsibilities can be found below. When you are ready to take the next step, please click Become a Board Member to apply!
Board Requirements
- Representative of the community and patient population (sex, gender, ethnicity)
- 51% of board members must receive care at CrescentCare
- No more than one half (50%) of the non-consumer board members may derive more than 10% of their annual income from the health care industry.
- Between 11 and 25 members
- The needed professional skills and/or personal experience to support the organization (finance, medical, real estate, legal, etc.)
Board Selection Process
- Applications are referred to the Board of Trustees Governance/Nominating Committee along with any information the applicant provides (resume/CV, biographical sketch)
- The Governance/Nominating Committee reviews the application and makes a recommendation to the Board.
- New terms start annually on July 1 and the term is three years. Board members may serve two consecutive three-year terms.
Board Member Duties and Responsibilities
- Attend Board meetings (usually held on the first Monday evening of every month at 6:00 pm at 1631 Elysian Fields Ave., or virtually online). The meetings usually last about an hour and half
- Serve on at least one committee of the Board (Governance, Quality, or Finance)
- Support the fund development efforts of the Agency to the extent possible
- Approve policies, hours of operation, locations
- Ensure effective, efficient, and financially sound operation of the agency
- Short and Long Term Strategic Planning
- Evaluate the CEO
- Board self-evaluation
- Serve as an advocate and ambassador for the organization
- Duty of care, loyalty, and obedience to the organization
Our Current Board:
Benita Chatmon - Board Co-Chair
Clinical Nursing Education: Assistant Dean
LSU School of Nursing
Keith Parchman - Board Co-Chair
Staff Attorney, IRS
Shanika Thompson - Secretary
IT Training Lead, PAN Foundation
DeAnna Davis - Treasurer
Andre Stolier
Associate, Smith & Fawer LLC
Ben Nobles
Reverend Deacon, Trinity Episcopal Church
Clarence "CJ" Nash
Associate Team Leader, CRC Insurance
Deborah Dixon
Jay Huffstatler
Fund Development Director, OnePath
Keisha Washington
Real Estate Broker
Kryshonda Alleyne
Faculty, LSU School of Nursing
Paul Doolan
Payton Robinson
Career Coach, STRIVE International, Inc.
Quinn Lacey
Instructor, LSU School of Nursing
Scott Phillips
Dynamic Assistant Professor of Healthcare Management, UNO
Sergio Farfan
Co-Founder, LLHC, and Consumer Advocate
Viviana De La Rosa
William Morgan, MD
Pediatrician at LCMC
Assistant Professor of Clinical Section of Ambulatory Medicine